Learn for Self-Treatment
We all have stress. Treat yourself with Reiki to bring calmness, help you move forward in your life or avoid job burnout.

Learn for Your Family
Help your family and friends with Reiki. As little as 5 minutes of Reiki can help a family member or a co-worker with a headache.
Children love the healing energy of Reiki ...
Kirstie, Reiki Level II Practitioner shared about her 5 year old son and his anxiety.
"When I tucked my son into bed tonight, he told me how he felt power inside him."
Learn for Your Pets
Treating your pets with Reiki strengthens a beautiful bond, helps them with anxiety, aggression or general wellness. Watch your pet take a 'Reiki sigh' when you see them relax into the healing energy of Reiki.

Who takes Reiki Training?Anyone interested in learning Reiki for the purpose of self-treatment or treatment of others. My students are mothers, fathers, teens, grandparents, individuals with chronic conditions or family caregivers. Some of my students want to include elements of Reiki in their profession such as social workers, counselors, massage therapists, doctors, nurses, to name a few. We are all everyday people like you and me!
What background do I need in order to learn Reiki?There is no previous background nor skills required to learn Reiki. Anyone can learn Reiki. To date, my youngest student was 11 years old and my oldest student was 88 years old. Through the Reiki Attunement, the Reiki Master passes onto the student the ability for Reiki energy to flow from the student's hands. Therefore, the ability to practice Reiki is not dependent on the student's background nor skills. It is through class discussion and practice you learn various techniques and hand positions. I always tell my students, "It's not about you ... you are a pathway for the Reiki energy to flow ... the Reiki energy does the work."
When would I use Reiki?You can use Reiki in your every day living! First of all, treat yourself for your own self-care and wellness. Treat your children/grandchildren that are having problems sleeping, low self-esteem, anxiety, fears or even a boo-boo. Treat other family members, friends, and even your pets. As little as 5 - 10 minutes of Reiki can be beneficial for a co-worker that is stressed or has a headache. I am sure you know of someone with anxiety, going through a relationship breakup, living with the loss of a loved one, has chronic conditions, recovering from surgery or undergoing cancer treatments that you could give a few minutes of Reiki to while they are sitting in a chair or laying on a couch. Reiki can be done any where and for any amount of time ... even while you are watching TV with your hand around your partner or child's shoulder or on their lap. We all show acts of kindness by sending a card, listening to a friend that is going through rough times, or cooking a meal for someone. Now you can add the beautiful gift of Reiki to your offering. You can also send distant Reiki across town or across the world to a person. We all have family or friends that live far away from us ... you can help them too. If you are a first responder or a medical provider, you can use Reiki for your self-care to avoid job burnout, cleanse negative energy out of a room after each patient, put healing energy into a room, and even carry on a conversation while Reiki energy is flowing to the person.
How many levels of training are there for Reiki?There are 3 levels of Reiki Certification (Refer to the full course descriptions on this web page.) Reiki Level I Practitioners can give themselves Reiki treatments and treat others. Reiki Level II Practitioners have extra tools they can use to amplify the energy that flows from their hands, send energy that helps heal emotions, and the ability to send Reiki energy distantly across town or across the world to a person. I call this the "creative class" because the three Reiki II symbols bring so much creativity to using Reiki in your daily living. Reiki Level III Practitioners (Reiki Masters) receive the higher Master energies, work with crystals, and other higher frequency healing techniques. Reiki Level III Practitioners have the ability to pass Reiki onto students (teach Reiki). Someone could be a Reiki Master, but not teach. Becoming a Reiki Master Teacher is optional. How far do you go with learning Reiki? You may take Reiki Level I & II Training and never go any further. As a Reiki II Practitioner, you will have amazing tools to help yourself and help others! Maybe months or years down the road you may feel guided to take Reiki Level III Training. You take Reiki as far as you are interested in; you do not have to have a path in mind ... let Reiki guide you!
Reiki Training FAQs
Cyndy Paxton, Reiki Master Teacher

About Cyndy's Classes
As founder of the American Academy of Reiki Training at the Center for Reiki Wellness & Past Life Regression, I am dedicated to delivering excellence in all levels of Reiki Training Certification. I have over 30 years experience supporting adult learning. Teaching Reiki is a natural extension of me ... my passion of serving and empowering others on their Reiki journey.
My belief is in small group environments (4 to 6 students) to foster learning, sharing, class bonding, and experiential healing. I provide sound teaching practices to meet everyone's learning style through discussion, demonstration, and doing (hands-on practice) ... the 3 D's. I deliver attention to detail in class lectures and course materials. I offer patience and welcome questions to ensure everyone's learning. I also teach through stories ... sharing practical examples of my years working with Reiki clients.
It is my nature to go above and beyond to make sure each student has the knowledge and tools to integrate Reiki in their life. Throughout the training, I verify each student is confident in demonstrating their new knowledge. I allow my students to learn from themselves, other students, and of the utmost, learn from the Reiki energy itself. Learning Reiki is not being book smart ... it is jumping in and using your Reiki in everyday living!
Who takes Reiki Training?Anyone interested in learning Reiki for the purpose of self-treatment or treatment of others. My students are mothers, fathers, teens, grandparents, individuals with chronic conditions or family caregivers. Some of my students want to include elements of Reiki in their profession such as social workers, counselors, massage therapists, doctors, nurses, to name a few. We are all everyday people like you and me!
What background do I need in order to learn Reiki?There is no previous background nor skills required to learn Reiki. Anyone can learn Reiki. To date, my youngest student was 11 years old and my oldest student was 88 years old. Through the Reiki Attunement, the Reiki Master passes onto the student the ability for Reiki energy to flow from the student's hands. Therefore, the ability to practice Reiki is not dependent on the student's background nor skills. It is through class discussion and practice you learn various techniques and hand positions. I always tell my students, "It's not about you ... you are a pathway for the Reiki energy to flow ... the Reiki energy does the work."
When would I use Reiki?You can use Reiki in your every day living! First of all, treat yourself for your own self-care and wellness. Treat your children/grandchildren that are having problems sleeping, low self-esteem, anxiety, fears or even a boo-boo. Treat other family members, friends, and even your pets. As little as 5 - 10 minutes of Reiki can be beneficial for a co-worker that is stressed or has a headache. I am sure you know of someone with anxiety, going through a relationship breakup, living with the loss of a loved one, has chronic conditions, recovering from surgery or undergoing cancer treatments that you could give a few minutes of Reiki to while they are sitting in a chair or laying on a couch. Reiki can be done any where and for any amount of time ... even while you are watching TV with your hand around your partner or child's shoulder or on their lap. We all show acts of kindness by sending a card, listening to a friend that is going through rough times, or cooking a meal for someone. Now you can add the beautiful gift of Reiki to your offering. You can also send distant Reiki across town or across the world to a person. We all have family or friends that live far away from us ... you can help them too. If you are a first responder or a medical provider, you can use Reiki for your self-care to avoid job burnout, cleanse negative energy out of a room after each patient, put healing energy into a room, and even carry on a conversation while Reiki energy is flowing to the person.
How many levels of training are there for Reiki?There are 3 levels of Reiki Certification (Refer to the full course descriptions on this web page.) Reiki Level I Practitioners can give themselves Reiki treatments and treat others. Reiki Level II Practitioners have extra tools they can use to amplify the energy that flows from their hands, send energy that helps heal emotions, and the ability to send Reiki energy distantly across town or across the world to a person. I call this the "creative class" because the three Reiki II symbols bring so much creativity to using Reiki in your daily living. Reiki Level III Practitioners (Reiki Masters) receive the higher Master energies, work with crystals, and other higher frequency healing techniques. Reiki Level III Practitioners have the ability to pass Reiki onto students (teach Reiki). Someone could be a Reiki Master, but not teach. Becoming a Reiki Master Teacher is optional. How far do you go with learning Reiki? You may take Reiki Level I & II Training and never go any further. As a Reiki II Practitioner, you will have amazing tools to help yourself and help others! Maybe months or years down the road you may feel guided to take Reiki Level III Training. You take Reiki as far as you are interested in; you do not have to have a path in mind ... let Reiki guide you!
Student Testimonials

Course Descriptions
Reiki Level I & Level II Certification
Prerequisite: None. There is no previous background nor skills required to take this course.
Description/Objectives: During the 20 hours of classroom instruction, you will be able to give yourself Reiki, your family, friends, pets or expand to the community as a volunteer or start a private practice.
In Reiki Level I, you will:
learn the history of Reiki
have a general understanding of chakras and our aura
receive your Reiki I Attunement that enables Reiki energy to flow through the palms of your hands
experience hands-on practice for self-treatment and treatment of others
practice scanning the body where Reiki is needed
learn how to give your animal companions Reiki
In Reiki Level II, you will:
receive your Reiki II Attunement with three Reiki II symbols
experience hands-on practice using your three Reiki II symbols which will enable you to amplify the power of the Reiki healing energy, be able to clear negative energy out of rooms, provide healing energy to balance emotions, and send Reiki distantly to another person across town or across the world
learn the many creative uses of Reiki in your every day life
Instructor: Cyndy Paxton, Reiki Master Teacher
2 Locations to Choose From:
Register for IN-PERSON training in Sarasota, Florida
Register for LIVE ONLINE via Zoom Meeting in the convenience of your home using your computer or tablet (no need for travel or lodging).
Certificate of Completion:
Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level I & II as a Reiki II Practitioner
After Graduation:
You will be able to attend events only for Reiki Practitioners held throughout the year ONLINE and IN-PERSON.​
Additional one-on-one mentoring is available with Cyndy Paxton, Master Teacher to help you with your personal Reiki interests.
Tuition: $495* (4 Half Days / 20 Hours)
Plus a FREE GIFT of your choice ($25 Value)
(Refer to Expiration Date of Early Bird Savings)
(Class Size Limited to 6 Students)
Customized to Your Group's Needs & Schedule
Tuition: $495 pp (20 Hours)
(Class Size Minimum 4 / Maximum 6 Students)​
Email to Schedule Your Group cyndypaxton@gmail.com
Reiki Master Level III Certification
Prerequisite: You must be a Reiki II Practitioner (from any lineage) for a minimum of 6 months practicing Reiki through self-treatments and treatments of others (family, friends, volunteer or in a private practice).
Description/Objectives: During the 30 hours of classroom instruction, you will be able to provide Master healing energies and Master treatments to yourself and others. If you desire to teach Reiki, you will be able to attune students into Reiki Levels I, II and III.
In Advanced Reiki Training Level IIIA, you will:
receive your Advanced Reiki Practitioner Attunement and the Usui Master symbol which increases the strength of your Reiki healing energy and the use of your Reiki II Symbols
practice working with crystals to send distant Reiki continuously to people and your goals
experience hands-on practice with an advanced Reiki technique that removes negative energy blockages empowering the person in their self-healing
experience a Reiki meditation that expands consciousness
In Reiki Master Training Level IIIB, you will:
receive your Usui/Tibetan Master Attunement and two Tibetan Master symbols, completing the 6 symbols for Usui/Tibetan Reiki
practice giving a Healing Attunement which is the highest healing energy you can give yourself or another person
practice attuning others to Reiki by giving attunements for Reiki Level I, II, IIIA and IIIB
experience a Reiki mediation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras
understand the values of a true Reiki Master
be provided information on teaching Reiki (if you desire)
Instructor: Cyndy Paxton, Reiki Master Teacher
Location: IN-PERSON training in Sarasota, Florida
Certificate of Completion:
Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level III as a Reiki Master Practitioner
After Graduation:
You will be able to attend events only for Reiki Practitioners held throughout the year ONLINE and IN-PERSON.
Additional one-on-one mentoring is available with Cyndy Paxton, Master Teacher to help you with your personal Reiki interests.
Tuition: $1,500 (6 Half Days/30 Hours)
(Class Size Limited to 4 Students)
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based on Students Schedule